Enroll in an Internship or a Course
To enroll in a course or internship
Step-2: Click on the Course card to explore and click on Enroll Now button
Step-3: Select the Payment Plan as per your choice and Click on Enroll Button
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How many courses can I enroll in at once?
There is no restriction for the number of enrolled courses at a time. However, Ybi Foundation recommendes you to enroll one course at a time for better understanding and practice on the domain and best learning experience.
How to Start and complete Internship?
To start your internship: Step-1: Click Here to Visit Your Enrolled program - https://www.ybifoundation.org/#/myenrollments Step-2: Click on your Internship Card to start. Step-3: Read and watch the given course material in the chapters as per the ...
How long do I have access to course materials in a course?
Time duration given for a Particular course is: Course Duration + Extra 15 Days For example, If a learner enroll for 30 days course, here, Course access duration = 30 Days +15 Days = 45 Days from start. The learner needs to complete the course in the ...
Can I change my enrolled course after starting it?
No, You will not be able to change your enrolled course from one to another after enrollment. However, You can cancel your purchased course access and enroll for the new program. Note: Payment for any course after enrollment is non-refundable. To ...
What is the difference between auditing (Free Preview) and enrolling in a course?
The Difference is: Auditing (Free Previewing) will only allow you to view the course curriculum topics. Enrolling in a program will give access to explore the course content in brief and makes you eligible for the certificate after completion of ...